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Deniz Bahadir

Deniz Bahadir is a Senior Software Engineer at BENOCS (www.benocs.com) where he helps his employer to "speed up the Internet".

He has been developing software since he started studying Computer Science / Bioinformatics back in 2001, mainly using C++. Since the release of C++11 he adopted Modern C++ and tries to always use the latest C++ standard (and features of the upcoming standard).

As a developer he came in contact with a lot of different build-systems and -generators (Autoconf/Automake, Scons, Boost.Build, CMake ...) from which CMake stood out, because it was the most usable although far from perfect.
However, after some years of using local CMake-scripts to implement missing features of CMake, he became aware of what Modern CMake is supposed to be. As a result he decided that it was time to implement some of the missing features directly in CMake's code (which, luckily, is written in C++). Since then he had provided several missing features and also fixed some inconsistencies with Modern CMake which now all made it into CMake.

In his talk "More Modern CMake" [1] which he gave at Meeting C++ 2018 Deniz presented these contributions to CMake and showed the differences between "traditional" and "modern" CMake and how CMake should be used nowadays.

If Deniz is not coding in C++ or CMake he likes to socialise with friends and family by playing some good (modern) boardgames.

[1] https://youtu.be/y7ndUhdQuU8


Oh No! More Modern CMake