The online track and the first keynote are published

published at 19.12.2023 15:13 by Jens Weller
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After the online track is now fully published, the keynotes are following!

Since Sunday the opening keynote 6 impossible things by Kevlin Henney is on YouTube. The other two keynotes will follow later today and on Friday.

Thanks to all speakers, sponsors and the attendees that made the conference once again a success!

Its been the easiest to publish the online track first, as all videos are prerecorded:

One more talk has been published already, and that is Better C++ ranges - Arno Schödl. All talks are already available to watch in Hubilo to attendees. I'd like to thank our video sponsor think-cell for their contribution to this, it made the decision to stream and record all tracks for the first time an easy one. Thanks!

With the first track being published, I aim at releasing now all keynotes before christmas, followed by the lightning talks.



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