published at 11.10.2013 18:05 by Jens Weller
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Some parts of the Standard Library in C++11 are predated in boost. When playing around with C++11, you get used to using some parts in the Standard Library that are used in C++03 with their boost counterpart. Also, there is some libraries now occuring, which are C++11 based, so interfacing with either boost or C++11 code is soon an issue.
published at 27.09.2013 15:40 by Jens Weller
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published at 24.09.2013 16:01 by Jens Weller
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published at 25.09.2013 20:37 by Guntram Berti
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published at 16.09.2013 12:59 by Jens Weller
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published at 14.09.2013 14:40 by Jens Weller
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published at 11.09.2013 20:36 by Jens Weller
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In the 3rd week of September I'll be giving a 2 day training on boost::thread, I thought its nice to post a short overview of the boost thread library...
published at 01.09.2013 17:27 by Jens Weller
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As holiday season is coming to an end, lets have a look at the upcoming C++ Conferences. This fall offers a few special events, with great C++ content. But before listing them and writing about, a short paragraph about why you should visit one of these events.
published at 28.08.2013 18:06 by Jens Weller
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published at 18.08.2013 22:46 by Jens Weller
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published at 09.08.2013 13:48 by Jens Weller
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A few weeks ago I released the first version of my tool to analyze the boost libraries. This is now the release of version 1.1, which comes with a couple of enhancements. New main features are a configuration dialog, the ability to filter edges and nodes, and the ability to choose between two different sources for the libraries in boost. But first, thank you for the feedback, some of it has inspired the new features.
published at 01.08.2013 12:35 by Jens Weller
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published at 26.07.2013 14:41 by Jens Weller
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2 weeks ago, I had to refactor a bit of code, also containing pi (π). I do not often have to deal with mathematical C++ code, so using pi in my code is rare. But I wanted to replace #define PI 3.14 with something more useful. I discovered several ways of dealing with pi, which I'd like to compare now.
published at 23.07.2013 09:39 by Jens Weller
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published at 21.07.2013 13:16 by Jens Weller
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published at 16.07.2013 14:53 by Jens Weller
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The last 3 weeks I've been busy with teaching Qt. Each monday I was doing an one on one introductory course, from Qt Core to Qt XML. So, for a few weeks I was very busy with Qt, preparing for Mondays but also looking into things, how should this or that be done. With this course, my concept of teaching Qt has become reality, but I'd like to share my views on Qt with you, and give you an overview over Qt.
published at 06.07.2013 16:56 by Jens Weller
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published at 05.07.2013 18:11 by Jens Weller
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Every now and then I see this pattern coming around: the NEED to call a function. After you're done, you have to call cleanUpObjects() or endInsertItems() in some insane API. For me this is often an anti pattern, and sometimes its because the chosen design forces you to do so. If its up to you to design a system, maybe you should think about ways to avoid this, but that's a different topic. Today I just wanna rant about...
published at 01.07.2013 23:04 by Jens Weller
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At the 1st July the new version of the boost libraries has been released, boost 1.54. This version not only brings 3 new libraries, but also deprecates one library and removes 80386 from the list of supported processors.
published at 27.06.2013 12:58 by Jens Weller
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Today, one year ago, this project went live. Time to celebrate! Its roots go far more back in time, but at the end of June in 2012 I did go public with Meeting C++. First the focus was on the conference, today also it is also on the blog, the user groups and events + more. I also want to thank everybody who has given me feedback or contributed to this or last years conference!