C++ in 2015

published at 15.01.2015 15:05 by Jens Weller
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The year is still young, so lets have an outlook about what is going to happen in C++ Land in 2015...

And that was Meeting C++ 2014

published at 19.12.2014 19:23 by Jens Weller
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Do you remember? 2 weeks ago, the first day of this years conference came to an end, and I was happy to know that things went so well. Actually I was getting a little nervous, things seemed to be a bit too perfect...

Using AES encryption in C++

published at 26.11.2014 12:22 by Jens Weller
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When it comes to encryption, there a few options you have in C++, a few years ago I implemented an RSA encryption based on the OpenSSL APIs, which was not too pleasant, but worked. For my current project, I was looking for something else, as I can add any dependency to my project. So this blog post is a short example of how to use AES with crypto++.

Where will Evolution lead C++17?

published at 08.11.2014 14:35 by Jens Weller
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This is the third part in my series about the proposals for the current C++ committee meeting in Urbana. This time its all about the subgroup Evolution, which has the most papers, so this is only the first part. The previous parts were about concurrency, and Part 2 about core, networking, models and undefined behavior.

C++ and Zombies: a moving question

published at 31.10.2014 11:53 by Jens Weller
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This has been on my things to think about since C++Now. At C++Now, I realized, that we've might got zombies in the C++ standard. And that there are two fractions, one of them stating, that it is ok to have well defined zombies, while some people think that you'd better kill them.

Looking for C++17 - Urbana Proposals from Core, Modules, Networking, Reflection and Undefined Behavior

published at 01.11.2014 12:56 by Jens Weller
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The second part of my series about the proposals for Urbana, where the next C++ committee meeting will be held. The papers grand us a first view on a distant future - C++17. I also published last weekend an alternative listing of the proposals by mailing and subgroup. And maybe you also want to read the first part about proposals for concurrency.

Urbana Proposals - C++17 insight? - Concurrency

published at 25.10.2014 01:17 by Jens Weller
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A short series to give you an overview over the Papers submitted in the latest mailing for the C++ Committee Meeting in Urbana-Champaign in Illinois. At the beginning of November the C++ Committee will have its 3rd Meeting this year. As C++14 is now finished, the focus is clearly on the upcoming C++17 standard.

My visit to Qt DevDays 2014 in Berlin

published at 12.10.2014 20:07 by Jens Weller
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Insights into new and C++

published at 03.10.2014 15:37 by Jens Weller
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My Trip to CppCon

published at 16.09.2014 12:38 by Jens Weller
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I just returned yesterday from my trip to Bellevue/WA for CppCon. Its been 10 awesome days, and a ton of fun. It was an honor to support this idea from day one as a community sponsor. I already posted some images of CppCon 2014 at facebook and G+.

C++ Conferences in Fall 2014

published at 27.08.2014 12:25 by Jens Weller
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Like last year, I'd like to give an overview over the C++ Conferences happening this fall. As the holiday season comes to an end, it might be time to plan your trip to one of these conferences. Before I go on about the various conferences, a short word on why should one go to such an event.

Thoughts on C++14

published at 19.08.2014 14:26 by Jens Weller
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Yesterday we could read on isocpp.org that C++14 has been approved and will now become a valid ISO Standard. Great news for everyone in the C++ land! While C++14 brings no big change like concepts or modules, its bringing some important new core features to C++, such as make_unique, cbegin/cend and improvements for lambdas and constexpr. I'm a bit sad that std::optional didn't make it.

boost 1.56 - a short overview

published at 07.08.2014 20:47 by Jens Weller
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So, finally, we see a new release from boost. Boost 1.56 took a bit longer then most of us would have expected. The change to git and with it the modularization is the reason behind this. Both are very important milestones for boost. There are two new libraries and four new modules.

HTTP and HTTPS in Qt

published at 07.08.2014 15:45 by Jens Weller
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Last week I started to work on an old project again: My own feed reader. I found the code 2 weeks a go on an old USB Stick, and decided to refactor it into a useful state. This involved dealing with HTTP via QNetworkAccessManager.

A video interview with Michael Wong

published at 27.07.2014 18:18 by Jens Weller
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Two years of Meeting C++!

published at 03.07.2014 16:02 by Jens Weller
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Two years ago Meeting C++ started, what was once a dream is now a reality. The conference has grown in those 2 years from 150 people to 300. But Meeting C++ is more then just a conference, in this time various C++ User Groups were started all over Europe, and a European network for C++ has started growing.

C++Now 2014 trip report

published at 22.05.2014 19:08 by Jens Weller
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Like in the past 2 years, I've been traveling to C++Now in 2014. This years conference started a little different from the past years, but offered then again a lot of high quality C++ content. What makes this conference so great is the talks and conversations over a week. Also with 150 its the right size for this location to meet with most people. Also its now two years, that the idea for the Meeting C++ conference was born in Aspen.

A look at Qt 5.3

published at 21.05.2014 18:27 by Jens Weller
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Qt 5.3 just got released. This version is bringing mostly improvements and a few new things. Some of the new features are only available for the Qt Enterprise version. Also QtCreator 3.1.1 is included. Qt has become really successfull, the previous version Qt 5.2 has over one million downloads.


published at 30.04.2014 20:09 by Jens Weller
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Writing a bar graph widget in Qt

published at 26.04.2014 23:20 by Jens Weller
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Today I had a little fun with Qt and wrote a widget for displaying a bar graph. I have two different situations where I need the bar graph in my back end: displaying the votes a single talk got, and displaying one big bar graph of all the talks.