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Meeting C++ Blogroll 327
published at 29.04.2022 15:42 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 327 - 29. April
- akrzemi blog - Local Time
- C++ Stories - C++20 Ranges Algorithms - 7 Non-modifying Operations
- Catch - v3.0.0-preview5
- CppCast - Linear Algebra Standardization with Mark Hoemmen
- Fluent C++ - Copy-Paste Developments
- KDAB - Say No to Qt Style Sheets
- Learn OpenCV - Object detection with depth measurement using pre-trained models with OAK-D
- Lemire's blog - Removing characters from strings faster with AVX-512
- Martin Vorbrodt - Decorator Pattern Explained
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Image processing pipe line expert - Senior C++ developer to ContextVision
- Meeting C++ Jobs - [german] Softwareentwickler (m/w/d) Java/C++ für ÖPNV Software in Berlin/remote
- Modernes C++ - Defining Concepts with Requires Expressions
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Updating the CUDA Linux GPG Repository Key
- Qt Blog - Qt for Android Automotive 6.3.0 released
- Qt Blog - Running Doom on Qt for MCUs
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 7.0.1 released
- Rainer Grimm - Concepets mit Requireces Expressions definieren
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - The 4 use of using in C++
- Schneide Blog - Reading a conanfile.txt from a
- The Old New Thing - What’s up with std::piecewise_construct and std::forward_as_tuple?
- The Old New Thing - How do I decode a #pragma detect_mismatch error?
- The Old New Thing - How can I force a WriteFile or ReadFile to complete synchronously or hang, in order to test something?
- The Old New Thing - Trying to create a factory that remembers the parameters to pass to another method
- Visual C++ Team Blog - OpenMP Task Support for C++ in Visual Studio
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Pure Virtual C++ 2022 is Today
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Customizing GitHub Codespaces for C++ Projects
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 321 - April 2022 Best Practices Game Jam Results
Meeting C++ YT - Hiring in C++ with Meeting C++ - Jens Weller
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