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Meeting C++ Blogroll 364
published at 27.01.2023 11:36 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 364 - 27. January
- C++ Stories - Everything You Need to Know About std::variant from C++17
- Catch - v3.3.0
- CLion - CLion 2023.1 EAP2: QML Syntax Support, Better Debug for Multithreaded Apps
- Jacek's C++ Blog - Mixed C++ Monorepo Project Structure Development and Build Workflow
- KDAB - Introducing kdalgorithms
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 363
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Senior Software Engineer - SDK/Oslo
- Meeting C++ News - Meeting C++ live returns!
- Modernes C++ - The Rule of Zero, or Six
- Qt Blog - Regarding recent reported security vulnerabilities from Cisco Talos
- Rachel by the bay - Who needs main() anyway?
- Rainer Grimm - Programmiersprache C++: Rule of Zero, or Six
- The Old New Thing - Inside C++/WinRT: Apartment switching: Bypassing the context callback
- The Old New Thing - Inside C++/WinRT: Apartment switching: Unblocking the outgoing thread
- The Old New Thing - Inside C++/WinRT: Apartment switching: The basic idea
- The Old New Thing - Inside C++/WinRT: Coroutine completions: The oversimplified version
- The Old New Thing - How can I call a method on a derived class from a base class, say, to get a strong reference to the containing object?
- treefrog - TreeFrog Framework version 2.6.1 release
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Debug Linux Console apps in Visual Studio’s Integrated Terminal
- Visual C++ Team Blog - C++ Brace Pair Colorization and More in Visual Studio
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Deploy and debug apps on remote targets
- Wt - Wt & JWt 4.9.1 released
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 360 - Scripting C++ Inside Python With cppyy
Meeting C++ YT - Foundation of GPU Programming - Filipe Mulonde - Meeting C++ 2022
Meeting C++ YT - Cool stuff about GDB you didn't know - Greg Law - Meeting C++ 2022
SwedenCpp YT - Harald Achitz: Lazy C++, from deferred initialization as a type to operator().
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