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Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 357
published at 09.12.2022 11:21 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 357 - 9. December
- Barry Revzin - What's so hard about
? - becpp - Next BeCPP UG Meeting Planned for January 17th, 2023
- Conan Releases - 2.0.0-beta6 (02-Dec-2022)
- Jacek's C++ Blog - Book Review: A Philosophy of Software Design
- KDAB - Hotspot v1.4.0
- Lemire's blog - Fast midpoint between two integers without overflow
- Lemire's blog - Optimizing compilers reload vector constants needlessly
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 356
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Software Developer C++ (m/f/x) at Ikarus in Vienna
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Senior Compiler Engineer C++/LLVM (Code Analysis) at Guardsquare in Munich
- Meeting C++ News - Meeting C++ 2022 trust and safety transparency report
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in December 2022
- Modernes C++ - The Template Method
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Just Released: CUDA Toolkit 12.0
- Qt Blog - Qt for MCUs 2.2.3 LTS Released
- Qt Blog - Looking for our 2022 Qt Champions!
- Rainer Grimm - Patterns in der Softwareentwicklung: Die Template-Methode
- Resharper C++ Blog - ReSharper C++ 2022.3: C++20 Modules and Clang-Format Integration
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - C++23: std::out_ptr and std::inout_ptr
- The Old New Thing - Reminder: If you intend to use a C++/WinRT namespace, you must include that namespace’s header file
- The Old New Thing - Instead of a C++ template parlor trick, why not just add support based on whether the header file has already been included?
- The Old New Thing - C++ template parlor tricks: Using a type before it is defined
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 353 - Implicit Conversions Are Evil
Meeting C++ YT - AMA with Andrei Alexandrescu at Meeting C++ 2022
Meeting C++ YT - CPU Cache Effects - Sergey Slotin - Meeting C++ 2022
Meeting C++ YT - An introduction to multithreading in C++20 - Anthony Williams - Meeting C++ 2022
MUCplusplus YT - [MUC++] Andreas Weis - Deciphering Coroutines: A Visual Approach
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