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Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 368
published at 24.02.2023 11:19 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 368 - 24. February
- Aras - Float Compression 6: Filtering Optimization
- C++ Stories - Fun with printing tables with std::format and C++20
- CLion - CLion 2023.1 EAP5: Disassemble on Demand, Support for CMake Presets Versions 4 and 5, QML Formatter
- Conan Releases - 2.0.0 (22-Feb-2023)
- - Introducing Conan 2.0
- CppDepend - Exploring C++ Coding Standards: Cert, Misra, Autosar, and CWE.
- CppDepend - Are C++ and Java similar?
- demofox - Uniform 1D Red Noise & Blue Noise
- demofox - Fibonacci Word Sampling: A Sorted Golden Ratio Low Discrepancy Sequence
- KDAB - FMA Woes
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 367
- Meson - 1.0.1
- Modernes C++ - One Day left: Early Bird Price for my Mentoring Program "Design Patterns and Architectural Patterns with C++"
- Modernes C++ - 45% Student Discount for my Mentoring Program: "Design Patterns and Architectural Patterns with C++"
- Modernes C++ - The Iterator Protocol
- Qt Blog - Automated translation of Qt documentation
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 9.0.2 released
- Qt Blog - Qt is now staying up-to-date with new Android NDK versions
- Qt Blog - Post-Processing Effects in Qt 6.5
- Rainer Grimm - Idiome in der Softwareentwicklung: Das Iterator-Protokoll
- The Old New Thing - Why am I getting an unhandled exception from my C++ function that catches all exceptions?
- The Old New Thing - Avoiding the redundancy of adding the object files to both the primary project and its unit test
- The Old New Thing - What happens if you co_await a std::future, and why is it a bad idea?
- Visual C++ Team Blog - CMake debugger allows you to debug your CMake scripts and more
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5 for C++ Developers
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 364 - Python-Inspired Function Cache for C++
Meeting C++ YT - Abstraction the true superpower of C++ - Guy Davidson - Meeting C++ 2022
Meeting C++ YT - Reflection without Reflection TS - Fabian Renn Giles - Meeting C++ 2022
Meeting C++ YT - Universal/Forwarding References - Nicolai Josuttis - Meeting C++ 2022
Meeting C++ YT - Basic usage of PMRs for better performance - Marek Krajewski - Meeting C++ 2022
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