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Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 369
published at 03.03.2023 11:24 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 369 - 3. March
- Abseil - Perf Tips
- Abseil - Performance Tip of the Week #9: Optimizations past their prime
- Abseil - Performance Tip of the Week #53: Precise C++ benchmark measurements with Hardware Performance Counters
- Abseil - Performance Tip of the Week #39: Beware microbenchmarks bearing gifts
- Abseil - Performance Tip of the Week #21: Improving the efficiency of your regular expressions
- Aras - Float Compression 8: Blosc
- Aras - Float Compression 7: More Filtering Optimization
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Making `priority_queue` and `flat_set` work with move-only types
- Catch - v3.3.2
- CLion - CLion 2023.1 EAP6: Fixes for Memory View and CMake Presets
- Conan Releases - 2.0.1 (03-Mar-2023)
- CppCast - Carbon, With Richard Smith
- Just Software Solutions - Review of Embracing Modern C++ Safely by John Lakos, Vittorio Romeo, Rostislav Khlebnikov and Alisdair Meredith
- KDAB - QObjects…propagate_const, FMA woes, Embedded Whitepaper, Videos, Events
- Lemire's blog - Regular Visual Studio versus ClangCL
- Meeting C++ - Experimenting with the standard variant
- Meeting C++ - Insights from the second year of running online C++ job fairs
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 368
- Meeting C++ News - Upcoming C++ User Group Meetings in March 2022
- Meson - 1.0.1
- Modernes C++ - Covariant Return Type
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Just Released: CUDA Toolkit 12.1
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 10 Beta2 released
- Qt Blog - Qt as a Career – Becoming A Stellar Qt Developer
- Qt Blog - Qt Project: Top Contributors of 2022!
- Qt Blog - VxWorks for Qt 5.15.12 Released
- Qt Blog - Dark Mode on Windows 11 with Qt 6.5
- Rainer Grimm - Idiome in der Softwareentwicklung: Covariant Return Type
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - Binary sizes and RTTI
- The Old New Thing - Enumerating Windows clipboard history in C++/WinRT and C#
- treefrog - TreeFrog Framework version 2.7.0 release
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Importing ST projects into Visual Studio
- Visual C++ Team Blog - An alternative to __if_exists in ATL
- Visual C++ Team Blog - View files on your Remote Machines using the new Remote File Explorer in Visual Studio
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 365 - Modulo (%): More Complicated Than You Think
TheChernoProject - Designing Our Pixel Renderer // Remaking My First Game in C++
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