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Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 440
published at 26.07.2024 11:25 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 440 - 26. July
- Barry Revzin - What's so hard about constexpr allocation?
- KDAB - Formatting Selected Text in QML
- Lemire's blog - Does C++ allow template specialization by concepts?
- Lemire's blog - Scan HTML even faster with SIMD instructions (C++ and C#)
- Meeting C++ News - Early Bird Tickets are available until August 11!
- Meeting C++ News - Announcing the second gold Sponsor for Meeting C++ 2024: Undo!
- Modernes C++ - My ALS Journey (12/n): My Legacy
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 14 released
- The Old New Thing - In my Visual Studio project, I set my Conformance mode to permissive, but it’s still not permissive
- The Old New Thing - API naming principle: If there is no direct object, then the direct object is the source object
- The Old New Thing - Creating an already-completed asynchronous activity in C++/WinRT, part 9
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Genetec uses Visual Studio, CMake, vcpkg, and Docker for remote Linux C++ development
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Improving GitHub Copilot Completions in VS Code for C++ Developers
ACCU YT - Safer C++ with MISRA-C++-2023 - Peter Sommerlad - ACCU 2024
ACCU YT - Keynote: Reflection in C++26 - Welcome to the meta::[[verse]]! - Inbal Levi - ACCU 2024
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 438 - C++23's ranged-for Fixes
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