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Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 453
published at 25.10.2024 10:08 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 453 - 25. October
- Andy G - Why that one coworker got fired for no reason
- Barry Revzin - Implementing Trivial Relocation in Library
- botan - 3.6.0
- CppCast - Type Erasure, SIMD-Within-a-Register and more
- CppCon - Call for Proposals for CppCon Academy 2025 Classes
- dear IMGUI - v1.91.4
- Eli Benderskys Blog - Calculating the norm of a complex number
- Herb Sutter - Podcast interview: Rust and C++
- KDAB - 10 Tips to Make Your QML Code Faster and More Maintainable
- Meeting C++ - Meeting C++ 2024: the last hybrid C++ conference?
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 452
- Meeting C++ News - The C++ Commitee at Meeting C++ 2024
- Modernes C++ - Contracts in C++26
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Bridging the CUDA C++ Ecosystem and Python Developers with Numbast
- NVIDIA DevBlog - Optimizing Drug Discovery with CUDA Graphs, Coroutines, and GPU Workflows
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 15 Beta released
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - Different aspects of software performance
- Schneide Blog - Heterogeneous lookup in unordered C++ containers
- The ryg blog - Inserting a 0 bit in the middle of a value
- The ryg blog - Zero or sign extend
- think-cell dev blog - if constexpr requires requires { requires }
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 451 - Debunking bad_alloc Memory Errors (They're actually useful!)
Meeting C++ YT - An interview with Titus Winters for Meeting C++ 2024
Meeting C++ YT - Thread pool elements - Jens Weller - Lightning talks
Meeting C++ YT - Boguslaw Cyganek about his talk on pipeline architectures at Meeting C++ 2024
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