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Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 458
published at 06.12.2024 11:46 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 458 - 6. December
- Andreas Fertig - Write more C++ code thanks to constexpr
- CLion - Refactoring in C++: Top Techniques and Best Practices
- Frances Buontempo - Meeting C++ 2024
- KDAB - C++ Defines with CMake, Delivering Software Updates, CLI++ Upgrade Your Command Line, CMake and Qt, Mixing C++ and Rust, CXX-Qt 0.7 Released, 2025 KDAB Training Schedule, KDAB Training Day 2025, Online Rust Training Courses, and Events
- Marco Foco - Safer C++ or Safest C++?
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ weekly Blogroll 457
- Meeting C++ News - An update on the Meeting C++ mentoring program
- Modernes C++ - std::execution: Inclusive Scan
- Modernes C++ - Christmas Special
- Poco - POCO C++ Libraries Release 1.14.0 Available
- Qt Blog - Building a Unified Qt Hub: Your Ideas in Action
- Qt Blog - Qbs 2.5 released
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.8 Software Bill of Materials
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 15 released
- Qt Blog - Qt 6.8.1 Released
- Qt Blog - Qt for MCUs 2.9 Released
- Sandor Dargo's Blog - Replace CRTP with concepts?
- The Old New Thing - Won’t waiting for multiple threads one at a time introduce a severe performance issue?
- The Old New Thing - Why does my DLL reference count go up by one every time I create and exit a thread?
- The Old New Thing - Tricks from product support: We’re not smart enough to debug the problem, can you help us?
- The Old New Thing - An analogy about register preservation rules in calling conventions
- The Old New Thing - Assessing the attack complexity of a race condition security vulnerability
- treefrog - TreeFrog Framework version 2.10.0 release
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 457 - I Read C++ Magazines (So you don't have to!)
Meeting C++ YT - Meeting C++ community survey results - Jens Weller - Meeting C++ 2024
Meeting C++ YT - Writing VS Code extensions for fun and profit Nikolaj Fogh Meeting C++ 2024
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