Looking at the fourth year of running the Meeting C++ online job fair
published at 25.02.2025 18:10 by Jens Weller
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Meeting C++ continued to organize the online job fair in 2024 in its 4th year.
But first, the next job fair is planned for March 25th & 26th, tell your employer to sign up!
Interest in hiring for C++ had already slowed down in 2023, which is a trend that continued into 2024. Its becoming difficult to interest companies to do an extra step for hiring at the moment. Which is why only two of last years 4 events were actually visited by a sponsoring company. One reason is that at the moment the demand for C++ recruiting is already covered with what the employers are already doing, unlike prior time when it was difficult to find devs.
This now also reflects in submissions to the CV sharing form, which were with 92 submissions the lowest so far. Still, the reach is very international with candidates from 39 countries, for the first time Germany is on the first place followed by India and the US.
For this year the plan is to host job fairs in March, May/June and September/October and maybe November. This depends a bit on the interest of employers.
A look at the candidate data from 2024
Overall there are no big changes if one compares to 2023.
C++ skills
Its the nature of the resume sharing form that more popular and more common skills are of course more often chosen. Thats why Linux,C++14, C++17, C++11 and Modern C++ form the 5 leading skills here, last year this was similar, but OOP made the 5th place. With last year C++14/17 overtakes C++11. But also one sees candidates chosing fewer while others chose more skill sets, e.g. minimizing or maxising this field. Both is a valid stragety. After all they do share their CV with all information too.
Fields of work
Experience with Desktop seems quite common, but embedded has now established it self as the lead. Followed by fields that employ many of us.
Germany takes the lead, followed by India and the United States are now on the second and third place. Followed by a mix of european, asian and countries in the Americas.
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