Results and Statistics from the September Meeting C++ online job fair
published at 27.10.2021 10:12 by Jens Weller
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In September Meeting C++ online organized an online C++ Job fair, in this blog post I'm going to write about some of the lessons learned and a few new insights from the attendee data.
First, the next online job fair is mid November, book your table if you'd like to attend as an employer. Or become listed in the Meeting C++ employer listing for one year.
Like the previous job fairs, the last edition attracted mostly audiences from Europe and Asia. All companies came from Germany or the Netherlands. I hope to build a more international set of companies that attend the fair in the long run. The last event had 82 developers submit their CV/resumes through the CV sharing form at Meeting C++. This is what the graphs are based on in this post. This edition gave a few more options to choose from in C++ skills (CMake, Conan, vcpkg and others), also I've added robotics to the fields of work as an option. You also could share your status on relocation and remote work as an attendee.
And please have in mind, that the number and which companies attend have a large influence on which candidates submit. While the job fair has grown with every edition in attendance and submissions, each time it was a different mix. The last two fairs had no companies from finance or gaming sectors, so this audience did not fully show up then either.
Last time I was only able to show you the basic graphs, this time I will correlate the C++ skills with region or field of work. But lets start with the general graphs.

September 2021

May 2021
This time there was a more equal distribution in the work of field.

September 2021

May 2021
Looking at the countries, one sees that the event is popular with in India, but also attracts talent form many other countries.

September 2021

May 2021
Again the event attracted a mix of junior and senior devs.

September 2021

May 2021
Lets look at Europe and Asia to see if there is a difference between the submissions for the last event in September.

And the Top 4 field of work was Desktop, Server, Embedded and Telecommunication in September:

As "Other" is also very popular to compare with the above
And thats it. I'd like to see more support for this format from companies, if you're looking for C++ Software developers on a global level, then this is for you. If you're looking locally, you can filter for this. As you can filter or search for certain combinations of skills.
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