Meeting C++ 2021: looking for sponsors

published at 06.09.2021 15:47 by Jens Weller
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With the online platform being selected, its finally time to open the call for sponsors for Meeting C++ 2021!

C++ User Group Meetings in September 2021

published at 02.09.2021 14:50 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview about upcoming C++ User Group Meetings in September. As the pandemic ends or continues, depending in which part of the world you live, I list again all meetings online and real world.

The Meeting C++ online job fair returns!

published at 23.08.2021 14:48 by Jens Weller
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In September the online C++ job fair will happen for the 3rd time in 2021.

Adding a book section to Meeting C++

published at 09.08.2021 14:44 by Jens Weller
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Taking a new feature live today: the book section for Meeting C++.

Voting results and the top 10 Talks for Meeting C++ 2021

published at 05.08.2021 14:42 by Jens Weller
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The Meeting C++ hive mind has spoken, and given the feedback of the C++ community to the submissions of Meeting C++ 2021.

C++ Trainings at Meeting C++ 2021

published at 22.07.2021 14:38 by Jens Weller
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Today I can give you a first overview on the planned trainings that accompany Meeting C++ 2021. All trainings are held online, the date is chosen by the trainers.

Announcing the second set of AMAs for Meeting C++ 2021

published at 14.07.2021 14:34 by Jens Weller
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With this 2nd set of Ask me anything Meeting C++ 2021 will offer 6 sessions where you can ask questions to well known C++ experts!

Announcing the AMAs for Meeting C++ 2021

published at 08.07.2021 14:29 by Jens Weller
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A first look at Meeting C++ 2021! Today I can announce that we will have 3 AMAs at the conference, starring Bjarne Stroustrup, Hana Dusíková and Gabriel Dos Reis!

C++ User Group Meetings in July 2021

published at 01.07.2021 18:40 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings!

Call for Talks for Meeting C++ 2021

published at 08.06.2021 10:52 by Jens Weller
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Last month I announced Meeting C++ 2021, and today I'd like to remind you that the call for talks will last about one more month...

The upcoming online C++ User Group meetings in June 2021

published at 01.06.2021 16:03 by Jens Weller
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Once again the monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings! And this time it seems a few US groups start to meet in the real world again!

The next online C++ tool fair is mid June

published at 17.05.2021 14:08 by Jens Weller
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In April Meeting C++ organized a new online event: a tool fair where the C++ community could meet different tool vendors and watch demos or ask questions. The next tool fair will be mid June.

Online C++ User Group Meetings in May 2021

published at 07.05.2021 09:33 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings. A bit later then usual, seems my talk at C++now and announcing Meeting C++ 2021 has kept me a bit too busy.

Announcing Meeting C++ 2021 online conference!

published at 05.05.2021 13:34 by Jens Weller
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Finally I can announce the official start of this years conference with the begin of the call for talks and the first batch of tickets available!

Looking for C++ Employers for the May event!

published at 19.04.2021 12:12 by Jens Weller
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Last week the 3rd online C++ job fair was announced for May 25th and 26th. Meeting C++ is looking for the right mix of employers to attract candidates!

Announcing the next online C++ job fair

published at 14.04.2021 15:08 by Jens Weller
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Organizing the first Meeting C++ online tool fair on April 20th!

published at 06.04.2021 09:52 by Jens Weller
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On the evening of April 20th you'll be able to see demos, meet and chat with different C++ tool vendors at the online C++ tool fair!

C++ User Group Meetings in April 2021

published at 02.04.2021 15:36 by Jens Weller
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The monthly list of upcoming C++ User Group meetings, still online due to the pandemic!

The online C++ job fair was a full success!

published at 17.03.2021 13:57 by Jens Weller
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A quick look at the results of yesterdays online C++ job fair.

Find your dream C++ job on March 16th!

published at 10.03.2021 14:08 by Jens Weller
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The second online C++ Job fair is next week! You will be able to meet 14 C++ employers in remo for 3 hours on Tuesday afternoon.