Meeting C++ in 2022

published at 20.01.2022 15:52 by Jens Weller
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Giving you a short overview on what Meeting C++ plans for 2022!

The first and next thing happening is the Meeting C++ online evening next Tuesday with Rainer Grimm on const and constexpr. I plan to organize each month a meeting of the group, with the exception of a summer break.

Also the next Meeting C++ tool & book fair is on the 17th February, I plan to host one per quarter of these. Same with the online C++ job fair, which will start for 2022 in March, followed by the next in Late April or early May. For the second half of the year I'll likely host the 3rd and 4th job fair in September and October.

I might organize further online events through the User Group, but right now there are no plans ready to be announced.

Meeting C++ 2022

Its going to be a hybrid event in Berlin and online from November 16-19th. I'll start the conference season for Meeting C++ again in April, so expect further annoucements and the opening for the call for talks then. Same goes for tickets, sponsorship and more.


In February Meeting C++ offers two trainings



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