Starting a Mentoring program at Meeting C++

published at 29.10.2024 18:13 by Jens Weller
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Meeting C++ has now a mentoring program! It is aimed at Junior C++ programmers which would like to improve their understanding of modern C++!

As a mentor I'd like to guide your C++ journey and provide answers to your questions. The first mentoring program will start in December, limited to the first and third week. The program is a month wise offer, so you'll be able to attend the group and/or 1:1 meetings for the month you've bought a ticket for. You'll be able to read and comment on your own and others questions for a year. More details at the mentoring page.

With Meeting C++ I can not only offer you my own knowlegde, but I do also have a database of C++ blogposts and videos that can give you relevant information on a topic. Some of the questions and problems may get shared with the community on the Meeting C++ network.

A first step is to register your interest for this program in the ticketshop of tito, then I can follow up with you to see what your needs in learning modern C++ are and what topics we could cover.

The mentoring group will meet twice a week, and use the mentoring section of Meeting C++ as a means to share questions about C++. I'll be also in contact with you per email for specific questions.

Rainer Grimms Mentoring program

The conversations with Rainer Grimm about Mentoring have had some influence on the structure of my own mentoring program. Rainers mentoring is great if you can learn on your self, and have the time. My mentoring is more on a personal basis, where we interact and work directly on the specific questions/problems of yours. So Rainers mentoring is a great addition to my own program, thats why I also offer in the ticketshop to join one of the various mentoring programs by Rainer Grimm.

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