The first 5 companies have joined the employer listing!

published at 13.06.2018 16:07
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Happy to report that now 5 companies are listed in the employer listing in the Meeting C++ Jobsection!

Call for a more diverse program at Meeting C++ 2018!

published at 05.06.2018 09:54 by Jens Weller
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Last years track for new speakers was a great success, so Meeting C++ will dedicate a track to this now in every year. So I'd like to reach out to the C++ Community, who do you think has something interesting to say about C++ and could start speaking at this years Meeting C++?

C++ User Group meetings in June 2018

published at 04.06.2018 10:55 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview of upcoming C++ User Group meetings. Join a C++ User Group near you, or learn how to start your own!

Meeting C++ sponsors the Summer ISO C++ Meeting

published at 30.05.2018 10:08
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Next week the ISO C++ committee meets in Rapperswil, Switzerland. Peter Sommerlad hosts the committee at the HSR for a full one week meeting, and during April he asked for sponsorships on twitter.

New gold sponsor: think-cell

published at 28.05.2018 15:37
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Meeting C++ returns in its 7th edition in 2018. And for the 7th time, think-cell is a key sponsor of the event. Thanks for this long committment to Meeting C++, think-cell!

Workshop with Nicolai Josuttis

published at 02.05.2018 11:43
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This years Meeting C++ conference offers a full day workshop with Nicolai Josuttis.

Early Bird Tickets are sold out!

published at 02.05.2018 10:27
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Yes, Early Bird Tickets are now all sold out! It is already a big stretch to offer them for 699 € for a 3 day conference, so they have to be limited.

C++ User Group Meetings in May 2018

published at 01.05.2018 12:04
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The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings!

Can you sponsor Meeting C++ 2018?

published at 25.04.2018 11:19 by Jens Weller
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TL;DR: is your employer a potential sponsor for Meeting C++ 2018?

JetBrains returns as a Sponsor

published at 25.04.2018 09:44 by Jens Weller
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JetBrains returns for the 4th time to the Meeting C++ conference!

Keynotes at Meeting C++ 2018

published at 23.04.2018 13:46
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Just updated the website with the keynote speakers of Meeting C++ 2018, so a short word about the keynotes.

KDAB returns as a silver Sponsor

published at 19.04.2018 19:56
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With KDAB returning to the conference as a silver Sponsor, Meeting C++ 2018 has its first all time sponsor. Thats right, KDAB has been a sponsor of all Meeting C++ conferences, beginning in 2012! Big thanks to KDAB for their long time support!

And the first Gold Sponsor is...

published at 19.04.2018 09:35
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Thanks to Bloomberg for joining in as the first gold Sponsor for Meeting C++ 2018!

Submit your talk to Meeting C++ 2018!

published at 12.04.2018 10:53 by Jens Weller
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Last week announced, now you can submit your talk to Meeting C++ 2018! This year its the 7th edition of Meeting C++, the 2nd time that it spans 3 days!

Announcing Meeting C++ 2018!

published at 04.04.2018 11:37 by Jens Weller
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Meeting C++ returns with its 2018 conference edition! Like in the previous years, we'll be meeting in Berlin from the 15. - 17th November!

C++ User Group Meetings in April 2018

published at 02.04.2018 15:20 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview about upcoming C++ User Group Meetings! Over 40 User Groups have already announced their meetings for April!

Starting a new community at patreon

published at 29.03.2018 11:51
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Something new: you can now support Meeting C++ through Patreon!

An update for C++ User Groups

published at 15.03.2018 11:06 by Jens Weller
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Today I can announce, that two new features for C++ User Groups are online: registration and a general contact form. There is no change to the other related things for User Groups at Meeting C++, like the monthly listing.

The Meeting C++ employer listing is online

published at 07.03.2018 10:11 by Jens Weller
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With this week, a feature of the old website returns: the Meeting C++ employer listing. So companies with open C++ positions get a permanent representation at Meeting C++ with their profile and contact information.

C++ User Group meetings in March 2018

published at 01.03.2018 15:59 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on upcoming meetings of C++ User Groups world wide!