published at 15.02.2018 11:23 by Jens Weller
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Today I am finally able to announce the upcoming employer listing on Meeting C++!
published at 02.02.2018 21:35 by Jens Weller
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The monthly posting of upcoming C++ User Group meetings. It seems there are no new groups so far in 2018...
published at 10.01.2018 13:31 by Jens Weller
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All lightning talks from Meeting C++ 2017 are now on YouTube. Sean Parents keynote will be online soon, as its right now the only recording which really has issues. Also the first talks from the conference now get to be on YouTube.
published at 04.01.2018 14:45 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings, lots of groups kick off the year with a meeting!
published at 22.12.2017 20:33 by Jens Weller
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Since last week I finally have the videos of the main track, so that I can start processing videos from the conference! The first batch of videos from Meeting C++ 2017 is already online!
published at 03.11.2017 16:41
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Happy to announce the last and final sponsor for this years conference: Luxoft suprisingly joins in a last minute effort the sponsors!
published at 02.11.2017 17:35
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Last year Meeting C++ hosted for a the first time a track for people to meet up and exchange on a certain topic during the break and then often into the next talk session. I wanted to repeat this success this year, but only have now been able to fill out when which topic is in the Schedule. With the 3rd day we have a few more breaks to use for additional meetings, so in total the lounge track hosts now 8 instead of 5 meetings.
published at 02.11.2017 15:04
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The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings! With next weeks Meeting C++ 2017 conference, many members of the new and established C++ User Groups will meet in Berlin! I hope to motivate again many visiting folks to start attending a near by C++ User Group, or to start their own User Group, if it does not yet exist.
published at 25.10.2017 14:20
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A small heads up to all that plan to visit this years Conference, but don't have a ticket yet: There is only a few tickets left in the ticketshop!
published at 25.10.2017 10:02
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Today, I have the honor to announce the final sponsor for Meeting C++ 2017:
published at 17.10.2017 22:23
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Are you excited for Meeting C++ 2017?!? I quickly wanted to give an update on the 3 keynotes at the conference this year! Each day will feature one keynote, where the first two are in the morning, while the Closing Keynote is kind of the last thing to happen before the closing message. Also, all 3 keynote speakers have now (finally) their speaker profile.
published at 17.10.2017 12:27
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I want to thank Bloomberg for supporting Meeting C++ as a Gold Sponsor in 2017:
published at 16.10.2017 18:12
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I'd like to welcome a new gold sponsor to the conference, SSW Trading is for a first time present as a sponsor with a booth at Meeting C++:
published at 04.10.2017 18:44
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A great Announcement for a returning long time sponsor for Meeting C++: Native Instruments is the first company to become a Platin sponsor for this years conference!
published at 03.10.2017 23:42
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The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings! Many User Groups are meeting in this month, more information on user groups and how to get started with one in the User Group section.
published at 19.09.2017 18:37
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A reminder, that only until end of September the normal tickets are available.
published at 17.09.2017 23:13
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Last Thursday I decided it was time to switch to the new website. All important milestones were met, the old content I still wanted to be around was imported, and the last blocking feature - the system for listing talks and speakers was finally working. Still it took some time longer then planned to iron out some bugs, and get all css working the way I wanted.
published at 15.09.2017 10:45
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Great news for this years Meeting C++ conference: I can announce that JFrog and its JFrog Conan C/C++ Package Manager is becoming the first Partner Sponsor of Meeting C++! This is related to them organizing again the C++ Quiz!
published at 13.09.2017 11:05
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Something new, which didn't exist in the last 5 editions of the Meeting C++ conference. You are now able to become a volunteer at Meeting C++ 2017, like you can and always could do for CppCon.
published at 08.09.2017 11:54
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Announcing the next episode of Meeting C++ live: Next thursday at 20:00 CET Meeting C++ live returns with a special "Parental Advisory" episode! My guest is of course Sean Parent!