published at 31.08.2016 23:24 by Jens Weller
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Another month, another round of User Group Meetings! September has lots of User Groups meeting (32 in total), and offers a highlight of the C++ year: CppCon!
published at 31.08.2016 09:46 by Jens Weller
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This is a quick reminder, that from 1st of October the tickets for Meeting C++ 2016 will be more expensive...
published at 30.08.2016 14:04 by Jens Weller
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Age requirement has been dropped for students
published at 24.08.2016 10:38 by Jens Weller
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I'm proud to announce, that for the third year in a row, IncrediBuild is a sponsor of Meeting C++.
published at 31.07.2016 13:56 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on the upcoming C++ User Group meetings. As there is again a group meeting at the first, I have to publish this today, so that there will still be some groups not in the listing, as they are publishing their meetings in the coming days. Still, already 26 groups will meet in August!
published at 25.07.2016 12:12 by Jens Weller
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There is an update on the Meeting C++ Workshopday in front of Meeting C++ 2016. I am now able to announce the talks that will close out the day! After 3 sessions of hands on learning about boost with Boris Schäling or Multithreading with Rainer Grimm, the day will end with another 90 minute session on topic, as a presentation.
published at 20.07.2016 11:39 by Jens Weller
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Since mid of June the program of the 5th Meeting C++ conference was taking shape. With the selection of the talks it was also clear in which tracks they go, so that the schedule it self was almost ready, except a last detail: the closing keynote.
published at 19.07.2016 16:34 by Jens Weller
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A long time sponsor returns to Meeting C++ as Optiver joins the gold sponsors:
published at 01.07.2016 11:47 by Jens Weller
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The montly overview of upcoming C++ User Group Meetings. In July there are 23 C++ User Groups meeting already, and a few more are probably still planning their meetings.
published at 29.06.2016 10:45 by Jens Weller
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I'm happy to welcome a new silver sponsor:
published at 27.06.2016 10:25 by Jens Weller
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published at 20.06.2016 11:51 by Jens Weller
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I am happy to announce that the C++ Institute is the first silver sponsor for Meeting C++ 2016:
published at 14.06.2016 08:55 by Jens Weller
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Last night the deadline for voting on the submissions for Meeting C++ 2016 ended. Its a huge success, 165 people have voted, distributing 8514 votes on 72 talks, so the average voter voted pretty much on 50 talks.
published at 07.06.2016 13:19 by Jens Weller
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Long time sponsor think-cell will also return to this years Meeting C++ edition as a Gold Sponsor!
published at 02.06.2016 17:14 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings. In total at least 28 User Groups are meeting this June, one already yesterday on the 1st of June in St. Louis. Tonight there is one in Munich, which might also hold a meeting at the end of this month! There is also a trend going towards founding Qt related user groups, in this case please always check if an active user group for C++ already exists.
published at 28.05.2016 12:26 by Jens Weller
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The deadline for submitting talks to Meeting C++ just passed. 74 talks by 63 speakers were submitted, this is the best result ever.
published at 25.05.2016 16:48 by Jens Weller
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On Friday is the deadline for submitting talks to Meeting C++ 2016. This years theme track is about developing games with C++, the other tracks will be again the popular and general track about C++. Today, #gamedev is regocnized by the SG14 Group in the committee, which tries to add gamedev and low latency specific requirements to C++. To support this work, I decided to make this years theme track about #gamedev.
published at 19.05.2016 22:48 by Jens Weller
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Well, the last early bird ticket for this years Meeting C++ Conference was sold yesterday. Sales were very strong right after the announcement, so that with the week of C++Now already 100 Tickets were sold and with yesterday, the last few Early Bird Tickets are sold. Only a week later then last year.
published at 17.05.2016 17:41 by Jens Weller
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A quick reminder that this years call for papers comes to an end! Submit your talk! We are entering the hot phase for submitting talks next week! There already many great talks submitted and many more to come! So far the talks are very well distributed accross the topic range of C++. Even a talk on Range v3 has entered the competition! Remember, this is the 5th Meeting C++ conference, so I want the program to be as good as possible!
published at 03.05.2016 13:54 by Jens Weller
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Just like last year, there is a workshop day in front of Meeting C++ (its the 17th November), where two workshops are offered: