published at 17.03.2015 11:11 by Jens Weller
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Since yesterday the Ticketshop is open! So you can now also buy the tickets for this years Meeting C++ conference online. Early bird tickets are limited, and the first 17 Tickets are already sold! So, its not the question if, its when will the early bird tickets be sold out? I think its going to be in May.
published at 16.03.2015 00:57 by Jens Weller
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This Thursday is again the Community Planning Session at the #meetingcpp channel in Freenode! Join us from 17:00 CET for the discussion on how to get started & run your own C++ User Group! It does not matter if you are already active in a user group or want to get started, there will be plenty of room for discussions!
published at 03.03.2015 21:35 by Jens Weller
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Earlier today I announced this years Meeting C++ conference, it will be again in Berlin, feature 21+7 Talks and 2 keynotes! Like last year, I'm looking again for 21 talks, each an hour long. The conference will be this year at the 4th and 5th December in Berlin at the Andels Hotel.
published at 02.03.2015 11:46 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on the upcoming C++ User Group meetings! New are the C++ User Groups in Ann Arbor, Bremen and Edinburgh! In total its going to be 26 C++ User Group Meetings in March.
published at 20.02.2015 10:48 by Jens Weller
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I uploaded yesterday the last video of last years Meeting C++ conference! So you can now watch all 21 talks and the 2 keynotes at youtube! There is a playlist, so you can watch them all:
published at 19.02.2015 13:59 by Jens Weller
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I am very happy to announce a new member in the employer listing and the recruiting service: Optiver!
published at 16.02.2015 15:02 by Jens Weller
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This Thursday is again the Community Planning Session at the #meetingcpp channel in Freenode! Join us from 17:00 CET for the discussion on how to get started & run your own C++ User Group! It does not matter if you are already active in a user group or want to get started, there will be plenty of room for discussions!
published at 03.03.2015 14:14 by Jens Weller
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Today I finally can officially announce Meeting C++ 2015! This years Meeting C++ conference will offer 2+ crazy fully C++ filled days in Berlin! Like last years conference, again in Berlin at the Andels Hotel on the first weekend of December...
published at 06.02.2015 14:47 by Jens Weller
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I've been thinking in December how I could share easily C++ Content with the community. I do this already by blogging and sharing the other excellent C++ Blogs with you on the social media. Now I have added a weekly overview, Meeting C++ Blogroll, this is todays blogroll.
published at 05.02.2015 14:59 by Jens Weller
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Very quickly after the announcement of the Meeting C++ Recruiting Service I got contacted by the ProjektAntrieb IT GmbH for listing.
published at 02.02.2015 16:15 by Jens Weller
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Again an overview on the upcoming meetings of C++ User Groups. This time, its February again, the shortest, and in a lot of places coldest month of the year. Still, 18 C++ User Groups have already set up a meeting, and some will still announce their plans for February. Also at the end of the month, from the 23 - 27th, the Library Working Group will be meeting in Cologne! Plus, this month will end with the first C++ Conference in Russia: C++ Russia.
published at 29.01.2015 14:28 by Jens Weller
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A long time in the making, a lot of thinking about what is the correct format to do, and now finally having setup all things, I can announce the start of the Meeting C++ Recruiting Service!
published at 19.01.2015 11:21 by Jens Weller
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This Thursday is again the Community Planning Session at the #meetingcpp channel in Freenode! Join us from 17:00 CET for the discussion on how to get started & run your own C++ User Group! It does not matter if you are already active in a user group or want to get started, there will be plenty of room for discussions!
published at 02.01.2015 12:51 by Jens Weller
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A new year has begun, in the last year the C++ User Groups have more then doubled in Europe, we're now around 30 more or less active user groups for C++ in Europe:
published at 16.12.2014 20:49 by Jens Weller
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This Thursday is again the Community Planning Session at the #meetingcpp channel in Freenode! Join us from 17:00 CET for the discussion on how to get started & run your own C++ User Group! It does not matter if you are already active in a user group or want to get started, there will be plenty of room for discussions!
published at 15.12.2014 16:03 by Jens Weller
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I extended the feedback deadline yesterday until today 10:00 am, as I realized, that I wouldn't be working earlier on this. So today shortly before lunch, I mailed the results of the feedback to the speakers.
published at 30.11.2014 16:16 by Jens Weller
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Three years ago, my own user group had its first meeting in December, being the second active C++ user group in Europe back in 2011. Since then a lot has changed, this December there are a lot more user groups meeting, and also we'll have the last premier C++ Event of the year: Meeting C++ is next week!
published at 20.11.2014 12:50 by Jens Weller
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Like in September and October, we'll meet at the 3rd Thursday at #meetingcpp in freenode for a community hangout. I've planned to announce it earlier, but I've been in Berlin and also very busy for Meeting C++ 2014, which is just two weeks away!
published at 13.11.2014 16:26 by Jens Weller
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On Monday, the deadline for this years student program passed, and now the 50 Students are selected which will be at the conference!
published at 05.11.2014 10:29 by Jens Weller
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It is just one more month, until this years Meeting C++ conference! It will be a blast, with more then 330 Attendees its going to be bigger then ever before! I am looking forward to Scott Meyers wisdoms about effective C++ and what Hartmut will tell us at last about concurrency and parallelism. In between we'll have some great C++ content.