Call for Papers

published at 12.03.2013 11:23 by Jens Weller
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This years conference has just been announced, and with this, our Call for Papers has started. A few details on this process, I'd like to share, as its a bit different as last years.

Meeting C++ 2013 Announcement

published at 12.03.2013 11:00 by Jens Weller
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Finally I can announce this years Meeting C++ conference! After last years great success, we will meet again for 2 days full of C++ in Germany this Fall. Meeting C++ 2013 will be again at the 2nd weekend of November (8./9.11.2013). This time the conference will take place at the Lindner Congresshotel in Düsseldorf. For this year there will be 25 Talks and up to 2 keynotes for the 250 attendees at the conference!

Statistics: February

published at 01.03.2013 15:07 by Jens Weller
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A few short paragraphs about Meeting C++ related numbers from February. February is the shortest month in the year, so from the start, I expected not to be above January or to be able to report anything special here. I expected more traffic from google, as the blog draws some search hits to the site, which has become true. January came very close to 3k hits, so I expected to have something around 2k hits for February.

C++ User Group Meetings in March

published at 28.02.2013 16:49 by Jens Weller
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Great news, we have some upcoming C++ User Groups in Europe! There will be soon C++ User Groups in London, Aachen and Dresden. I'll give some details later on this. First, what C++ User Groups meet in March?

think-cell saves the german ISO C++ Committee

published at 26.02.2013 15:57 by Jens Weller
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Meeting C++ @ C++Now!

published at 18.02.2013 14:42 by Jens Weller
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Just a quick note, that I will be giving a talk related to Meeting C++ at C++Now 2013 in May!

Statistics: January

published at 03.02.2013 13:43 by Jens Weller
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January was a busy month, we almost received 3k hits on the site. January brought also some changes, as there is now a newsletter, a blog, a job section and other new stuff on the website.

C++ User Group Meetings - Febuary

published at 31.01.2013 15:31 by Jens Weller
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In Febuary there are 3 User Group Meetings, Berlin and Düsseldorf have their monthly Meeting, and the belgian User Group meets also. There is also a C++ User Group in Oslo, but there next meeting is not yet scheduled. Maybe some of the trolls could join them :)

Changes to the Website

published at 24.01.2013 14:16 by Jens Weller
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So, time to announce some things regarding the website.

C++ in 2013

published at 13.01.2013 14:39 by Jens Weller
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As the year is still young, what can we expect from 2013 for C++?

C++ User Group Meetings - January

published at 09.01.2013 12:45 by Jens Weller
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So, here we are in 2013! And there are some dates already for User Group Meetings, hence a short news entry!

Statistics: 2012

published at 01.01.2013 20:17 by Jens Weller
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A little bit about the total numbers of 2012 for our project Meeting C++.

C++ User Group Meetings - December

published at 14.12.2012 15:33 by Jens Weller
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Again, this month our two german C++ User Groups will meet next week. There is yet no news update about upcoming user groups in other parts of germany or europe. I'll hope this changes 2013.

Statistics: November

published at 12.12.2012 20:11 by Jens Weller
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The monthly statistics update, due to my holiday a little later than usually...

Founding C++ User Groups

published at 22.11.2012 16:18 by Jens Weller
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This is about how you get started with your own C++ User Group. I've talked about it at Meeting C++ this year, and I am thinking about doing a similar talk at C++Now 2013. This is a personal issue for me, as I'd like to see more User Groups for C++ beeing founded across europe and maybe elsewhere too. So, as in my talk, I would like to give you some ideas, and also a little history on how I got started.

Slides & Videos

published at 19.11.2012 12:38 by Jens Weller
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Just a short notice about the after-conference-processing-state.

Meeting C++ - Success!

published at 12.11.2012 10:08 by Jens Weller
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A little wrap up of the conference...

A (german) C++ Issue

published at 07.11.2012 15:06 by Jens Weller
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Michael Wong has arrived today, and while I was at the airport welcoming him from Canada, we had a little talk. There is some cool news about OpenMP and the coming C++ Standards, but there is also an Issue, which we were not to happy to talk about. While the C++ Meeting in Portland was ongoing, I got into contacts with Peter Gottschling, one of the members of the german delegation for C++ Standardisation.

What to expect

published at 05.11.2012 11:08 by Jens Weller
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Its just a few days left, until the first Meeting C++ Conference kicks off. So, I think its time to write about what you as an attendee can expect. First, the most details are already in the schedule, which you also can download as PDF. We will be about 145 people at the conference!

C++ User Group Meetings - November

published at 04.11.2012 15:14 by Jens Weller
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Even if User Groups have now their own section, I feel their meetings are still kind of news worthy. Together with the User Group Section came the C++ Event Calendar on the page, so you can see other C++ Events too. This is still beta, and will be worked on after next weeks Meeting C++ conference!